Contours by Carlson

Approximately 75% of Contours by Carlson art pieces are custom made for individuals, couples, families, etc. The pieces in The Gallery may be purchased or commissioned for art collectors, decorators, the entertainment industry, etc. Here is an explanation of how you may experience a custom casting session resulting in your very own "participation art" piece!

Contours by Carlson body casting sessions require approximately 20 to 45 minutes for the actual modeling time, depending on the size or complexity of the piece and if it is with one or two people. The material used is non-toxic plaster cloth similar to the plaster strips used by doctors to cast and protect a broken bone. The final art piece is ready for wall hanging on a Plexiglass frame or is freestanding. See "Gallery" for examples.

After an initial consultation to decide the kind of piece, shape, size, coloring etc., a casting date is set or the consultation and casting session may be done together.

Here is a brief summary of the process:
  • First the initial pose of the piece is finalized, much like a photo shoot.
  • Next the exposed body is covered with a fine layer of Vaseline.
  • Then the plaster cloth, cut in various size strips, is rapidly layered on the body in the shape of the art piece (sometimes a sketch is made prior). It is similar to a Health Spa body wrap except it's a plaster wrap! Warm water activates the plaster cloth so it is very relaxing and fun. (Couples may take pictures of the session for momentos of sharing this unique experience.) By the time the layers are completed, the plaster cloth already forms a semi-hardened shell and is ready for removal. As the shell hardens, it automatically begins to loosen from the body.
  • Now the body cast is easily removed and prepared for detailing, corrections, reinforcements and/or mounting. The Client's part is done and the artist will transform the casting into the final art piece!

Removing cast piece from 9-month pregnant client!

Turnaround time for completing a piece averages 1-2 weeks, depending on size, complexity and schedule. No reverse molds are made so each piece is one-of-a-kind! I make specialty/whimsical pieces such as a genie coming out of a bottle, fairies, angels or mermaids as well as the "classical greek" statuesque, elegant, art forms. When creating a piece, I have a definite design in mind prior to casting. The contrast of rough edges and jagged lines to the smooth rounded contours of the human figure adds drama and impact to the finished piece. I carefully choose my designs utilizing negative and positive space for much the same purpose, accentuating and/or adding mystery to a piece. It is impossible to describe the actual experience of this adventurous art form. It is a rare and wonderful preservation of the human figure, extending back for thousands of years. Contours by Carlson has updated and integrated this art form to modern times in a clever, creative, elegant, and dramatic way to provide you with your very own "Body Signature!" Click here for photos of a casting sequence with completed piece.

(Custom boxes for your art piecce are available for shipping.)

Elegant Gift Certificates are also available.
Remember to order early for the Holidays!

If you would like any additional information, contact Contours By Carlson at the following:
Tel: (310) 780-9622 e-mail: